A somewhat regularly updated accuont of my nutty life!

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This is where you stick random tidbits of information about yourself.

Kevin's Crazy Rantings
Monday, December 27, 2004  
"There 0nce was a girl named Super Mindy..."

And so begins my friend Mindy's theme song. I mean HOW COOL IS THAT to have your own theme song? Or even to have a friend who has her own theme song?! I'm fabulous by association.

I met Mindy in what's gotta be going on a year ago now. SuperMindy is her online identity, and the girl has a phenomenal blog at http://supermindy.diaryland.com and she mentions lil ole me in it from time to time. And on more occasions then I can remember she has asked what she has to do to get a really good mention in mine. (Funny thing about my blog, some people are dying to be in it, and some people are dying to be kept out it.)

Well ... a month ago (right after my last post on here) Mindy did something to truly earn herself a starring role in one of my blog stories. Through my own laziness, computer errors, and a frustrating at times internet, it's taken a month for me to finally write, re-write, and finally get up the story of my trip home from PA, and how SuperMindy saved the day.

I was in NYC and had stopped to post my last entry at the times square internet cafe, Easy Everything. When I went back for my bus (after a brief but odd bathroom visit) I found out that there normal bus schedules had gone out the window, and if you wanted to get on a bus, going to Boston from New York City, the procedure was as follows.

STEP #1: Go to the end of the longest line anyone has ever seen anywhere in their entire life.
STEP #2: Wait in this line for over two hours before realizing that you're not going to make the Boston to Portland connection.
STEP #3: Yell "DOH!" very loudly upon having this realization.
STEP #4: Go back to Easy Everything and regroup.
STEP #5: Rinse and repeat.

I talked to Bobby (yeah, deal with it! You're YOU now beyatch!) online and he said that maybe he and Mindy could get me in Boston ...

Well apparently Mindy was at her mild mannered job as a telephone operator selling male sexual enhancement products when suddennly her little pink cell phone started blinking.

"Mindy!" I imagine Bobby saying. "We need to rescue Kevin!"

At this point I imagine Mindy ducking into the nearest payphone ... and coming out wearing a cape with "SM" on the back. (SuperMindy, my dears! Keep up!)

Anyway ... so Bobby said Mindy and he would be in Boston to fetch me. Go back to Step One and repeat.


But I go and I wait in the line ...

It is still growing, but moving faster... It seems more buses were brought in for the mess exodus from NYC to Boston that cold night.

I sit next to a cute guy on the bus, and as we both fall asleep our legs lean into each others a few times. I think I was probably more aware of it then he was... but that's cause I was doing it on purpose. And in my mind so was he.

Anyway, so I arrived in Boston, and SuperMindy and Bobby were there shortly thereafter to whisk me back to Maine. Right after crossing the Maine Line, we blazed one in the car... I hadn't been stoned in days and it was WONDERFUL!

"There once was a girl named Super Mindy..."

Yeah, that's my friend. She has a theme song, you know?

Thank you for being there that night, and so many other nights... You're a dear friend and I luv ya girl! (God, how queenie was that?!)

And Merry, Merry Christmas ... to Super Mindy and to all of my dear readers. I'm going to post a "What a month it's been..." entry a little later tonight. It's been a jam-packed month ... full of the usual sex, drugs and rock and roll ... a boy I met ... a boy I liked... a boy who didn't work out ... another boy I met ... that (knock on wood) I find might hold some promise...

"There once was a girl named Super Mindy ..."

I really need to learn more of that damn song!!!

10:16 PM

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